Maintenance & Testing

We offer a reliable service for maintenance and testing to guarantee the stability and success of our clients applications. Most companies only focus on the launch of their application, although for being successful on a long term, a continuous follow up is crucial as well. That’s why we compromise to keep our clients product up and running after launch.
Our software maintenance services ensure all-round support to releases your company’s staff of routine tasks and helps to optimize IT costs.
We offer support services for applications developed by us or by any third party vendor.

Our maintenance services offer:

– Issue detection, diagnosis, analysis and solution delivery
– Workaround provision & hot fixes
– New releases and updates
– Highly competitive rates to maintain your application after launch
– SLA agreement for critical services

Software tests have to be repeated often during development cycles to ensure quality. Every time source code is modified software tests should be repeated. For each release of the software it may be tested on all supported operating systems and hardware configurations.
Our test services offer:

– Full-cycle testing: a powerful testing to deliver the best of QA
– Stability, scalability and stress testings
– Performance tests
– Unit, Karma, Junit, E2E tests
– Code guaranteed after delivery

We make the clients achieve higher rankings for their websites in the results returned by the search engines – which will ultimately bring in more targeted traffic, more leads and/or revenue for their business.
We offer SEO solutions to bring your website to the top of the search engines. We address both on-page optimization factors and off-page factors. In this combined effort, the results take your site to top search engine positioning while bringing in targeted traffic.

Our SEO services offer:

– Professional Keyword Research
– Optimized page specific Titles and Meta Descriptions
– SEO Copywriting
– Use and positioning of Header tags
– Internal linking structure with optimized in-text anchor text
– Optimized URL structure
– Image, Flash and/or Video optimization

In addition, SEO “best practice” on-page optimization includes:

– SEO site architecture, positioning and navigation
– Blog optimization
– Website Analysis, Audits and Reporting
– Site maps (XML and hard-coded HTML)